The need for a better tracking / tracing system
The need for a better tracking / tracing system in response to food borne illness and disease outbreaks in agri-food systems
With globalization rising, the risk to crops and livestock are increasing; and food security is being threatened by both numbers and intensity of transboundary outbreaks of pests and diseases in both plants and animals. Unsafe food not only prevents the uptake of vital nutrients which in turn makes it unavailable for human consumption but leads to poor nutrition as well; and poor nutrition leads to more susceptible diseases in human population, overloads healthcare systems, affects both national and international trade, productivity losses and prevents economic development in urban and rural areas. In a 2015 report by the WHO, it is estimated that 600 million people across the globe fall ill to food borne illness and disease every year with economic and productivity losses in the tens of billions if not hundreds of billions of dollars year after year.
Unsafe food contains harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites and chemical substances that cause more than 200 diseases, ranging from stomach and digestive issues to cancers and the rise of anti-microbial resistant virus strains threaten human health and animal ecosystems as we can see in the case of hand / foot / mouth disease in cattle where over 100 countries are still not declared disease free. These countries pose risks and threaten the food security of those countries that still considered disease free. The importance of updated agri-food networks with better response mechanisms to national and international food related viruses and disease outbreaks is more important than ever with many countries across the globe relying on agricultural imports and exports to boost their economies or feed their citizens; a safe, sustainable, and transparent food safety system and network plays an important role in food security of countries around the globe.
In the US the average cost of a recall to a food company is $10 million dollars according to a joint industry study by the Food Marketing Institute and the Grocery Manufacturers Association; but in reality the cost is higher as there are factors to consider such as lawsuits, fines, government mandates, product destruction, and brand reputation just to name a few. With the global population now at 8 billion and changes in food production and global markets to meet a growing world the need for better tracking and traceability solutions should be a top priority. Tracking and traceability meets consumer and market demands for more transparency in food production and supply chains, enhance the ability to identify, respond, react, and even prevent a food safety issue, validate food sourcing claims, exports, and imports thus boosting economic trade and preventing counterfeit / fraud in food the industry, and support supply chain optimization and reduce food loss.
As the 21st century continues to move forward reGenesis Ag hopes to partner with agri-food networks across world to continue to connect people globally to food.